Circle of Friends - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton Circle of Friends - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton



Circle of FriendsWhat Is the Circle of Friends?

Our Circle of Friends annual campaign focuses on individuals giving gifts that enable us to continue renewing lives and restoring hope for the 100,000 individuals we serve annually in our community.

Why Join the Circle of Friends?

Four out of five philanthropic dollars are contributed by individuals and bequests. With traditional funding for human services diminishing from state and federal sources, your leadership and financial support have become even more critical to our mission to help those most vulnerable.

More than 90 cents of every dollar given will help someone in your community get back on his or her feet.

Your gift will provide the foundation for our vital services including food for the hungry, emergency services for those in crisis, shelter for the homeless, services for those looking to break the cycle of domestic violence, hope for the mentally ill and other desperately needed services.

How We Changed Lives in 2013

Your Gift Can Make An Impact

We need the involvement and support from individuals like you to continue to provide the services fewer organizations are offering.

Reductions in human services funding has come at the worst possible time – New Jersey’s unemployment rate hovers between eight and nine percent and growing numbers of middle-class families are losing their homes. Individuals who once donated to Catholic Charities now find themselves seeking our help.

Without your help, Catholic Charities simply could not fulfill the desperate needs of the more than 100,000 we serve.

As a member of the Circle of Friends, your gift will make a significant impact on both our programs and the people we serve. Please review the levels of annual giving support and give thoughtful consideration to how you can aid those most in need. For more information on planned giving, click here.

COF Giving Levels

For more information on the Circle of Friends campaign, please contact Nancy Tompkins, Development Director, at 609-394-5181 ext. 1161 or [email protected].

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