Children, Youth & Families - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton Children, Youth & Families - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton

We strengthen families and individuals by offering trauma and abuse counseling, and crisis intervention for adolescents and their parents.                                                                                                                 

Healthy families help to build strong and sustainable communities. Thus, our focus of services is on strengthening families, particularly economically vulnerable families or those impacted by violence or trauma.

Our programs help support and encourage wellness, behavioral health, learning and safety so that our children can grow to achieve academic and personal success. Every child deserves a promising future and every family deserves a chance at achieving stability.

Family Growth Program

Offers specialized treatment services for family violence, child abuse and neglect for children and families under child protection supervision due to abuse or neglect. Only counseling services are offered in our Red Bank office. Housing placements are made through Monmouth County Social Services. Please call Access (800-360-7711) for more information.

Mercer County: 1670 Whitehorse-Hamilton Square Rd; Suites 5/6 & 10; Hamilton, NJ 08619 – 609-394-5157
Monmouth County: 145 Maple Avenue, Red Bank, NJ 07701 – 732-747-9660
1312 Allenhurst Ave, Ocean Township, NJ 07712 – 732-747-9660
500 Kozloski Road, Freehold, NJ 07728 – 732-747-9660

Find out more about the Family Growth Program in Monmouth County and its satellite programs in Ocean County.

In-Home Foster Care

Ensures safety and enhances permanency for at risk children under child protection supervision due to abuse or neglect. Open to those referred from the NJ Division of Child Protection and Permanency.

Mercer County: 1670 Whitehorse-Hamilton Square Rd; Suites 5/6 & 10; Hamilton, NJ 08619 – 609-394-5157

Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS)

A 24/7 comprehensive program designed to address mental health; substance abuse; emotional and/or behavioral issues requiring timely interventions. Available to Mercer County youth up to the age of 21. Offers virtual and/or face to face interventions to de-escalate crisis and assess for appropriate level of services. Provides time limited case management with linkage to community services delivered in the home, school or community locations. Initial contact made through Perform Care to obtain basic information before referral to program.

Mercer County: 3840 Quakerbridge Road; Suite 100; Hamilton, NJ 08619 – 877-652-7624

Statewide Student Support Services (NJ4S) Mercer Hub

The Mercer Hub team works closely with schools, family success centers, and other community-based providers to make sure students in Mercer County have the mental health services they need to succeed and grow. Learn more here.

Mercer County: 1670 Whitehorse-Hamilton Square Rd; Suites 2 & 4; Hamilton, NJ 08619 – 609-394-5157 x3601 or x3602

Adoption and Post Adoption Services

Catholic Charities Diocese of Trenton is no longer processing adoptive applicants or performing adoption services. Services we do provide are Post Adoption/Research and Reunion Services, Social Medical Reports, Consultation and Intermediary Services and most Services related to the Adoptions of Diocese of Trenton and Metuchen along with St Michael’s Orphanage Residents. For more information please contact Shauna McMunn at 609-462-1306 or by email at [email protected].

To speed up your inquiry, please fill out and submit the

Post Adoption Research and Reunion Services Form

A $50 non-refundable administrative fee is due immediately. If you choose to proceed with further services, the $50 fee will be applied to those associated costs.

If you are trying to locate records from the Diocese of Newark please contact:
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark
2201 Bergenline Avenue 3rd Floor Union City NJ 07087
Patricia Chiarello, Program Director for Family & Adoption Services
Kathy Elias, Division Director
Telephone 201-246-7378
Fax 201-991-3771
[email protected]

If you are trying to reach the Diocese of Camden, please contact:
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Camden, Inc.
1845 Haddon Street Camden New Jersey 08103
Sylvia Loumeau, Social Work Supervisor
Kevin Hickey, Executive Director
Telephone 856-342-4162 or 856-342-4100
Fax 856-342-4180

Adoption Law Regarding Birth Certificates

In 2014, a law took effect that allows adoptees and certain relatives to request and obtain the names of their biological parents. Authorized individuals may obtain an uncertified copy of an adoptee’s original birth certificate without obtaining a Superior Court Order. The application and instructions below are to be used to make that request.

Application for an Uncertified Copy of an Adopted Person’s Original Birth Record

Resources for Birth Parents

Birth parents who wish to indicate a preference of ‘contact’ or ‘no contact’ must complete the following forms:

Contact Preference Form

Medical/Family History Form

Forms can also be obtained by calling the Department of Health/Office of Vital Statistics at 866-649-8726, ext. 582

Completed forms must be mailed to:

New Jersey Department of Health
Vital Statistics and Registry
PO Box 370
Trenton, NJ 08625-0370

In addition, birth parents have the option to complete and submit these forms online at

NJDOH has provided a list of counseling resources to be shared with birth parents and adult adoptees who may need to speak with a professional regarding the changes to New Jersey’s adoption law.

List of Counseling Resources:


  • NJ Mental Health Cares:
    They can be contacted Mon – Fri from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at 866-202-4357
  • NJ Adoption Resource Clearing House (NJ ARCH):
    They can be contacted during regular business hours at 1-877-4ARCHNJ (1-877-427-2465)
  • Dealing with a difficult situation and need someone to talk to? There are specialists available for free and confidential telephone counseling and support 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Please call to speak with a live person at: 1-855-654-6735

Additional Resources

NJCC Statement on the Change in New Jersey’s Adoption Laws

Bulletin Insert/Flyer

Spanish Bulletin Insert/Flyer

Bulletin Insert #2

Spanish Bulletin Insert #2

Contact Preference Form –

Medical/Family History Form –

For more information on adoption or recent changes in adoption laws in New Jersey, we encourage you to visit the New Jersey Catholic Conference (NJCC).

Baptism Certificates

All records of Baptism Certificates for children who were adopted through Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton, have been transferred to the Administrative Offices of the Diocese of Trenton. To request these records, call 609-406-7400.

Domestic Violence Services

Domestic violence services are provided through Providence House, offering confidential 24-hour hotline services, counseling, education, specialized children’s programs, legal advocacy and a Safe House in both Burlington and Ocean counties at no cost to victims and their children.

Burlington County: Outreach Center: 595 Rancocas Road, Westampton, NJ 08060 – 856-824-0599
Ocean County: 
Outreach Center: 88 Schoolhouse Road, Suite 1, Whiting NJ 08759 – 732-350-2120

Learn more about domestic violence and the wide range of services we provide at Providence House.


Clinicians provide skilled, intensive individual counseling including support, options, education and therapeutic intervention. Domestic Violence support groups and assistance in acquiring and maintaining violence-free housing is also offered through the Outreach Offices of Providence House.

Burlington County: Outreach Center: 595 Rancocas Road, Westampton, NJ 08060 – 856-824-0599
Ocean County: 
Outreach Center: 88 Schoolhouse Road, Suite 1, Whiting NJ 08759 – 732-350-2120

Emergency Safe House

Confidentially located, emergency Safe House program, enabling victims and their children to escape danger and begin the healing process.

24-Hour Hotline

For victims and their children in need of crisis counseling and/or a safe haven from abuse, as well as information, appointments and referrals.

Burlington County: 877-871-7551 or 609-871-7551
Ocean County: 800-246-8910 or 732-244-8259

Legal Advocacy

Offers court accompaniment and support to victims, as well as advocacy and referrals.

Burlington County: Outreach Center: 595 Rancocas Road, Westampton, NJ 08060 – 856-824-0599
Ocean County: 
Outreach Center: 88 Schoolhouse Road, Suite 1, Whiting NJ 08759 – 732-350-2120

Childrens’ Programs

Childrens’ counseling programs are offered both in the Safe House as well as in the Outreach Office and include various forms of art and play to help children express their feelings and heal from the abuse in their homes. One such counseling program is PALS (Peace: A Learned Solution), offered to children ages 3-12 who have been exposed to domestic abuse.

Burlington County: Outreach Center: 595 Rancocas Road, Westampton, NJ 08060 – 856-824-0599
Ocean County: 
Outreach Center: 88 Schoolhouse Road, Suite 1, Whiting NJ 08759 – 732-350-2120

Specialized Programs

These include: Job training, education, parenting classes, community awareness presentations, Domestic Violence Response Team (DVRT) and Domestic Violence Liaison Program.

Burlington County: Outreach Center: 595 Rancocas Road, Westampton, NJ 08060 – 856-824-0599
Ocean County: 
Outreach Center: 88 Schoolhouse Road, Suite 1, Whiting NJ 08759 – 732-350-2120

Natural Parent Support

Provides intensive clinical case management services to families and kinship systems identified by the Department of Child Protection and Permanency – DCP&P (formerly known as DYFS) as candidates for reunification.

Mercer County: 1670 Whitehorse-Hamilton Square Rd; Suites 5/6 & 10; Hamilton, NJ 08619 – 609-278-1213


Provides treatment and support services for high risk children and youth who have demonstrated behavioral problems.

Mercer County: 1670 Whitehorse-Hamilton Square Rd; Suites 5/6 & 10; Hamilton, NJ 08619 – 609-394-7680

Supervised Visitation

Provides professionally supervised visits between children and non-custodial parents. Families are generally referred by the Court. Services include observation and monitoring by trained supervisors.

Burlington County: 115 West Pearl Street, Burlington NJ 08016 – 609-394-5157

Parenting, Anger-Management and Healthy Marriage Classes

These classes and support groups are offered at various locations and are facilitated by El Centro staff. El Centro is a multi-service, family-focused community building program based in Mercer County that focuses on the needs of the Latino community.

Mercer County: 327 South Broad Street, Trenton NJ 08608 – 609-394-2056

Intensive Family Support Services (IFSS)

Provides consultation, psycho-educational and family support groups, respite care, advocacy and service linkage to families with members experiencing a serious mental illness.

Burlington County: 25 Ikea Drive, Westampton NJ 08060 – 609-571-5312

Parenting Education Workshops

These workshops are offered through the Family and Community Services program in Burlington County. Additionally, this program offers counseling and support by licensed, credentialed clinicians to children and adults experiencing depression, conflicts and marital difficulties.

Burlington County: 25 Ikea Drive, Westampton NJ 08060 – 609-267-9339

The programs of Immigration Services help immigrants adapt to American customs and lifestyles. Department of Justice (DOJ)-accredited case managers provide civil legal assistance that is recognized by the Department of Justice. Programs are offered in Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Services are available in both English and Spanish. Programs are offered through Catholic Charities’ Community Services and El Centro — a comprehensive resource center for Latino families in Trenton and adjacent communities.

Our Commitment to those Most Vulnerable and to the Stranger Among Us

Matthew 25:35(NIV)35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…”
Catholic Charities is committed to continuing to protect and advocate for those most vulnerable in our communities, such as immigrants and refugees. We remain true to our mission, rooted in the Gospel call to welcome the stranger and treat everyone, regardless of creed, political belief, race, color, nationality, immigration status, gender identity, age or ability, with dignity and respect. Our decades of providing service have earned the respect and trust of our elected officials and we will continue to advocate for policies that help those who are in poverty to thrive, that integrate immigrants and refugees into our society, and that protect access to health care and behavioral health care. We will continue to oppose policies that hurt our clients or hurt our agency’s ability to serve them. We will develop solutions by turning new challenges we face into opportunities at the local level where we have a strong and diverse supportive community. We may not be able to change national policies and rhetoric in the immediate future, but we can ensure the people we serve who live in our community are treated with dignity and respect.
Please reflect upon the message of the Executive Director of our national organization, Catholic Charities USA, Sister Donna Markham:
“Because Catholic Charities is rooted in local communities that are vulnerable and marginalized we have substantial credibility with our legislators. We remain committed advocates locally and nationally to protect life, especially the lives of those who are most fragile, from the unborn to the frail elder. We will continue to be “organizers of love” so that people who are hungry, thirsty, imprisoned, or homeless or strangers in our land will find in us a place of care and support. This is the message we need to convey broadly as we navigate through these days. It is the message I will be conveying to the members of the new Administration and Congress.
We know that God walks with us and among us and that we will be inspired to stand resolved to “build bridges of hope, mercy and justice.”

Know Your Rights

• Beware of immigration scams and notarios! Only seek help from qualified, DOJ-accredited immigration legal services providers such as Catholic Charities. In Mercer and Burlington counties, contact El Centro, 609-394-2056. In Monmouth and Ocean counties, contact our Immigration Support Services at 732-901-3261.
• Apply for citizenship! If you are a lawful permanent resident and currently eligible for naturalization, you are encouraged to apply. If you have pending relative petitions, check with a legal advisor first.
• Get screened! You may be eligible for relief from deportation. Call your local CLINIC (Catholic Legal Immigration Network) affiliate to learn more about screening. Catholic Charities immigration services counselors can also help provide information.
• Do not open the door to U.S. immigration agents or police unless they have a legal document with your name on it. Ask them to slip it under the door before you allow them into your home. Tell your children not to open the door.
• Remain silent. You do not have to answer their questions.
• Do not sign anything and ask to speak with an attorney or legal representative.
• Find more detailed explanations of your rights through publications provided by CLINIC.

En Español

Catholic Charities se compromete a seguir protegiendo y abogando por los más vulnerables de nuestras comunidades, como los inmigrantes y los refugiados. Seguimos fieles a nuestra misión, arraigados en el llamado evangélico a dar la bienvenida al extranjero y tratar a todos con dignidad y respeto sin distinción de credo, opinión política, raza, color, nacionalidad, estado migratorio, identidad de género, edad o habilidad. A través de las décadas de servicio hemos ganado el respeto y la confianza de nuestros funcionarios electos y seguiremos abogando por políticas que ayuden a los que están en la pobreza a prosperar, que integren a los inmigrantes y refugiados en nuestra sociedad y que protejan el acceso a la atención médica y de salud mental. Continuaremos oponiéndonos a las políticas que dañan a nuestros clientes o dañan la capacidad de nuestra agencia para servirles. Desarrollaremos soluciones, convirtiendo los nuevos desafíos que enfrentamos en oportunidades a nivel local donde tenemos una comunidad de apoyo diversa y fuerte. Es posible que no podamos cambiar las políticas y la retórica nacional en el futuro inmediato, pero podemos asegurar que las personas que atendemos que viven en nuestra comunidad sean tratadas con dignidad y respeto.
• Por favor, reflexione sobre el mensaje de la Directora Ejecutiva de nuestra organización nacional, Catholic Charities USA, la Hermana Donna Markham:
• “Debido a que Caridades Católicas está establecida en comunidades locales que son vulnerables y marginadas, tenemos una credibilidad sustancial con nuestros legisladores. Seguimos siendo partidarios comprometidos a nivel local y nacional para proteger la vida, especialmente las vidas de aquellos que son más frágiles, del que no ha nacido aún hasta un anciano frágil. Seguiremos siendo “organizadores del amor” para que las personas que tengan hambre, sed, encarcelados, sin hogar o extraños en nuestra tierra encuentren en nosotros un lugar en el que se le atiende y apoya. Este es el mensaje que necesitamos transmitir ampliamente a medida que navegamos a través de estos días. Es el mensaje que voy a transmitir a los miembros de la nueva Administración y Congreso. Sabemos que Dios camina con nosotros y entre nosotros, que nos inspirara a permanecer decididos a “construir puentes de esperanza, misericordia y justicia”.

Legal Assistance Services

Catholic Charities can help you complete immigration petitions and translate documents. We also provide immigration information and referral.

Burlington and Mercer counties: 327 South Broad Street, Trenton NJ, 08608 – 609-394-2056
Monmouth and Ocean counties: 725 Mantoloking Road, Brick, NJ, 08723 – 732-363-5322 x3236

Citizenship and Naturalization Classes

We offer evening citizenship classes to prepare you for naturalization.

Mercer County: 327 South Broad Street, Trenton NJ, 08608 – 609-394-2056

English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes

In collaboration with St. Francis Community Center, we offer classes to help non-English-speaking immigrants with English language skills.

Mercer County: 327 South Broad Street, Trenton NJ, 08608 – 609-394-2056,

El Centro

The El Centro is committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect. Founded in 1999, El Centro has been a trusted resource in the Spanish-speaking community for those seeking help with basic needs including: including Advocacy and referrals, Counseling Services, Case Management, Health Navigators, Eye screening, Anger Management classes, ESL, GED, Citizenship classes, rental and utility assistance, and clothing and food. We also provide Immigration services that are accredited by the DOJ. We also provide a two-week summer camp for inner city children.

El Centro provides experienced, Department of Justice (DOJ)-accredited immigration services and has helped many residents achieve citizenship and naturalization. Legal assistance for immigration services requires a modest fee.

As part of the Latino community, El Centro’s annual events draw thousands. Events include:

  • An annual Health Fair
  • A Three Kings celebration
  • A Procession of the Cross through Trenton on Good Friday

El Centro works very closely with its faith-based community and government partners to open doors to this highly vulnerable community. El Centro provides platforms for the Spanish-speaking community to address concerns that may be disrupting their quality of life. All of El Centro’s services are provided by bi-lingual/bi-cultural native speakers in various dialects to accommodate the diverse Spanish Community we serve.

For more information on El Centro and the services it provides, call 609-394-2056.

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Call our Access, Help and Information Center at 800-360-7711.

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