In addition to our continued on-site services, we are providing TELEHEALTH and TELEMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES – All you need is a telephone. To start, call our Access Center at 800-360-7711. In the event that you experience a psychiatric emergency and need immediate assistance please call 911 or your local psychiatric emergency screening center.
Each year, we provide addiction, domestic violence, mental health, specialized childrens’ counseling, trauma and abuse recovery and other treatment services to more than 100,000 individuals in central New Jersey.
In addition to providing the highest level of professional treatment and recovery services, vulnerable residents are assisted with basic needs – food, clothing, temporary housing – as well as with vocational training and financial literacy in order to achieve self-sufficiency.
Services are provided to all in need,regardless of religious background, and include:
All our services are fully accredited by The Council of Accreditation. Individual programs are licensed by the appropriate state agency. Catholic Charities will protect the privacy and confidentiality of all client health information and our clients are given a notice of privacy practice at the time of admission.
Can’t find what you are looking for? Call our Access, Help and Information Center at 1-800-360-7711.
We serve residents in Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean County.
Live outside of Central New Jersey? Locate a Catholic Charities organization in your area.