Monmouth County Board Christmas Outreach

Monmouth County Board Christmas OutreachLast week, the Monmouth County Board of Catholic Charities took part in their annual visits to several programs within the county, including Project Free (an intensive outpatient substance abuse treatment program for women) and Beacon House (a residential program for young men age 18 and over).

Top right: At Project Free, members of the Board brought gift tins of cookies and a gift bags containing a gift cards donated by parishioners of St. Veronica’s in Howell and beauty products donated by L’Oreal. Each woman in the program received a gift and Board members were touched to here their personal stories and learn how much Project Free means to them.

Bottom right: The Board then stopped by Beacon House with gift bags filled with multiple gift cards, toiletry bags and grooming products for the male residents. Each resident also received some clothing and the Board donated a set of new pool sticks to for the pool table in the “man cave” that was created a few years ago.

Catholic Charities would like to thank the Monmouth Board for its dedication and hard work year-round and for making the holidays extra special for program participants and residents.