Medi-Cool Program Now Screening for Applicants

MediCoolWith funding from the Mercer County Department of Human Services Office on Aging, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton and Rise, A Community Service Partnership of Hightstown, are currently screening applicants to determine eligibility for the Medi-Cool Program. The program provides air conditioning units to needy senior or disabled residents of Mercer County.

The screening will continue until June 8. Interested residents should call either 609-394-8847 x2529, or 609-443-4464. 

Approved applicants will receive a voucher and be scheduled to pick up their air conditioner from a storage facility in Trenton on a specific date and time.

The air conditioners will be distributed only to individuals meeting the eligibility criteria. Individuals who qualify must bring someone with them who can help them carry the air conditioner home from the scheduled pickup appointment. Individuals who have received an air conditioner through this program within the last three years are ineligible. The supply is limited, so please apply soon.

Download the flyer (.pdf).