Mercer County
We offer a wide range of programs in Mercer County to support individuals and families, including assistance for immigrants, those facing mental illness or substance abuse challenges, and those in need of housing and food assistance.
- Download a complete list of services in Mercer County (PDF, 316 KB)
Food drives are essential to keeping our pantry shelves stocked and supporting our outreach efforts. We also have seasonal drives to support those in need during the holidays.
- Download a list of our community drives in Mercer County (PDF, 113 KB)
FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER AT EL CENTRO – a multi-family community support and building program specifically focused on meeting the needs of Latino families in Mercer County.
IMMIGRATION SUPPORT – BIA accredited services are offered through Catholic Charities El Centro (see above).
- Immigration Legal Assistance Services — Staff members assist consumers with the completion of immigration petitions and the translation of documents. Provides immigration information and referral.
- Citizenship and Naturalization Classes — Provides citizenship classes in the evenings to prepare consumers for naturalization.
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes — In collaboration with St. Francis Community Center, these classes help non-English speaking immigrants with English language skills.
- Educational/Enrichment Services — In partnership with other county and communities agencies, residents of Mercer County can take part educational services, which can include parenting or GED classes.
- Immigration Services — Immigration Services helping immigrants adapt to American customs and life styles. Certified case managers provide civil legal assistance that is recognized by the Department of Homeland Security.
FAMILY GROWTH PROGRAM — Offers specialized treatment services for family violence, child abuse and neglect for children and families under child protection supervision due to abuse or neglect.
IN-HOME FOSTER CARE — Ensures safety and enhances permanency for at risk children under child protection supervision due to abuse or neglect.
MILEPOST — Provides treatment and support services for high risk children and youth who have demonstrated behavioral problems.
MOBILE RESPONSE AND STABILIZATION SERVICES (MRSS) — Available 24/7 for children and families experiencing non-psychiatric crises. Intervenes in family crises that may result in the child being removed from his/her home or community setting and arranges for services to help stabilize the living situation.
NATURAL PARENT SUPPORT — Provides intensive clinical case management services to families and kinship systems identified by the Department of Child Protection and Permanency – DCP&P (formerly known as DYFS) as candidates for reunification.
Due to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic food pantries in Burlington, Brick, and Trenton continue serving people in need, but staff are distributing pre-packed bags at the door. Also our food pantries have modified operating hours:
- Mercer Community Services Food Pantry (located at Mount Carmel Guild)
73 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, NJ 08609
Mondays through Fridays 9:30am to 11:30am - Burlington Community Services Food Pantry
450-460 Veterans Drive Burlington NJ 08016
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays 9am to 12pm
Thursdays 9am to 11:30am AND 1:30pm to 3:30pm - Ocean Community Services Food Pantry
175 Mantoloking Road, Brick, New Jersey 08723
Mondays through Thursdays 9:00am to 12:00pm
New Jersey’s cost of living is the third highest in the nation so it is not surprising that we assist more people through these services than any other within the organization. The percentage of working families in Mercer County seeking assistance with food has increased dramatically. Believing that everyone deserves a chance to achieve self-sufficiency, our programs are designed to support immediate basic needs while providing opportunities for developing financial literacy, marketable job skills and help in obtaining permanent, affordable housing.
Unless otherwise noted, all services are provided to Mercer County residents through Community Services at:
FOOD PANTRY — Pre-packed food bags provide 3 meals per day for 3 days for each household member. (Now located at Mt. Carmel Guild)
SNAP ASSISTANCE (formerly known as Food Stamps) — Through a grant from the Walmart Foundation, we are able to perform outreach, education and enrollment assistance to residents of Burlington and Mercer counties who are interested in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
SUPPORTED WORK — Provides basic job seeking skills training to individuals receiving General Assistance benefits.
PROJECT HOPE — Provides individuals and families who live in poverty and are homeless or facing the threat of homelessness with opportunities to develop skills and resources needed to achieve well-being and lead self-sufficient lives. Core components address:
- Workforce Readiness
- Health and Wellness Education and Services
- Essential Life Skills and Community Living
CLOTHING AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS — Residents in need can “shop” for gently-used clothing and household items.
HOLIDAY/SEASONAL ASSISTANCE — Provides eligible residents with assistance during Easter, Back-to-School time, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
HOUSING SERVICES — Our Homelessness Prevention Program emphasizes both immediate and longer-term strategies for reducing homelessness and strengthening self-sufficiency. While housing units are not offered at all locations, we help individuals and families remain housed through rent/mortgage and utilities assistance.
RAPID RE-HOUSING — Rapid-Re-Housing is one of several programs offered to help individuals and families obtain housing and develop the skills necessary for meeting monthly housing and other living costs.
RETURNING CITIZENS TO THE COMMUNITY PROGRAM (RCCP): — The RCCP program is open to individuals released from nonfederal secured facilities within one year of application. Applicants must be employed or employable, experiencing homelessness and/or housing instability, and willing to commit to a plan to be permanently and sustainably housed in Mercer County, NJ.
609-394-8847 ext. 3105
IMMIGRATION — Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)-accredited case managers provide civil legal assistance that is recognized by the Department of Homeland Security. Services are available in both English and Spanish.
PARISH SERVICES — Provides support for individuals and families referred by parishes in Mercer County. Services include:
- Case management
- Financial assistance
- Referral to other community resources
- Counseling
Access to Parish Services is only through a referral for assistance from a parish.
732-363-0748 x3223
PRESCRIPTION ASSISTANCE — When funding is available, eligible consumers can receive financial assistance with medications and medical supplies needed to maintain health and well-being.
ALCOHOLISM/ADDICTIONS OUTPATIENT PROGRAM — Provides individual, group, and family counseling for those with alcohol and substance use problems.
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH HOME — Provides primary, acute and behavioral health (mental health and substance use) care coordination services for adults diagnosed with a serious mental illness. Through enhanced integration and coordination of care, individuals are assisted with early identification, prevention and intervention to reduce the occurrence of serious physical illness.
CHILD/ADOLESCENT COUNSELING — Mental health counseling for children and adolescents with emotional or behavioral challenges. Psychiatric evaluation and medication monitoring available as an adjunct to counseling services. Medicaid and sliding scale accepted.
EARLY INTERVENTION SUPPORT SERVICES (EISS) — Offers an alternative for adults age 18 and older who are experiencing emotional distress, but not in need of hospitalization. Provides screening and counseling services in a safe, home-like setting. No appointment or referral needed.
Building B, Suites 504-505, Hamilton, NJ 08619
FAMILY CARE PROGRAM — Addiction intervention services for parents whose children are under child protection supervision due to abuse or neglect.
FOR MY BABY AND ME — Integrated substance use treatment program for pregnant women and new mothers provided through the collaboration of Catholic Charities, Capital Health, Henry J. Austin Health Center, HomeFront, Rescue Mission of Trenton and Trenton Health Team. For My Baby and Me offers immediate access to treatment as well as a range of support services to help women achieve long-term recovery. Medication-assisted treatment is available. Peer Support Staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
THE GUIDANCE CLINIC — Short and long term mental health counseling and therapy for individuals, couples and families.
NEW CHOICES — Intensive outpatient and outpatient substance use treatment programs for adolescents and young adults.
609-984-9042 x2444 or x2448
ON MY OWN SUPPORTIVE HOUSING — Provides flexible and responsive support services to assist individuals experiencing a serious mental illness to secure and maintain housing independence.
PARTIAL CARE PROGRAM — Provides psychiatric rehabilitation groups and activities for adults with a mental illness who require a more intensive environment to help them reach their maximum potential for independent living. Programs are available for adults experiencing co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.
PREVENTION PLUS — Provides substance abuse prevention services to Mercer County schools and organizations with a special focus on the Latino community. Services offered in Spanish and English.
PRINCETON INTEGRATED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH — Provides rapid access to mental health and substance use treatment services and can connect individuals to additional services offered by the agency, including food, clothing, housing and comprehensive outpatient mental health care. Services are available to Princeton residents 12 and older. No appointments are needed. Medicaid and all insurance plans accepted. We also accept individuals with no insurance.
PROGRAM OF ASSERTIVE COMMUNITY TREATMENT (PACT) — Community-based integrated rehabilitation, treatment and support services for individuals diagnosed with a serious mental illness.
Learn more about PACT:
PACT Team 1:
47 North Clinton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08609609-882-4772
PACT Team 2:
47 North Clinton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08609609-396-8787
PACT Team 3:
47 North Clinton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08609609-396-9777
PROJECT FREE — Intensive outpatient and outpatient programs for adults experiencing drug or alcohol dependence. Spanish language services and groups, medication-assisted treatment and on-site child care are available.
609-396-4557 x2901
SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT SERVICES — Employment Specialists help individuals define their job preferences and establish goals. Assistance is provided for resume writing, filling out applications and preparing for interviews. Once a position has been secured, employment specialists can provide on- and off-site job coaching to help individuals transition into the new role. They also provide SSI/SSDI benefit counseling.
Offered to Burlington, Camden and Mercer County residents.
For more information, call 609-267-9339 ext. 2825
SUPPORTED EDUCATION SERVICES — Assists adults living with mental illness participate in educational opportunities including adult basic education, technical and trade programs and college. Education Specialists provide direct and individualized support in the areas of acquiring financial aid, enrollment, requesting accommodations and developing healthy study habits. Post-school support is also provided to help individuals obtain competitive employment.
Open to Camden County residents.
For more information, call 609-267-9339 ext. 2825