Committed to giving, couple helps families in need
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton is pleased to honor Donna and John Kuchinski as our Richard J. Hughes, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton Humanitarians.
Donna and John have been long time supporters of Catholic Charities. John serves on Catholic Charities’ Board of Trustees and recently became the chair of the Finance Committee. He is a recently retired partner of KPMG, spending 40 years at the global accounting firm. Donna worked for several years in early childhood education as a speech therapist and preschool teacher.
They first met in high school and when John went off to college, Donna was still a senior. Upon graduating from the University of Virginia, a recruiter from KPMG told John that he would send him anywhere to work – Los Angeles, Atlanta, Washington, DC – where would he like to go? John’s response was, “Newark, NJ.” The recruiter asked why New Jersey and John said, “That’s where my girl is.” In July, the couple celebrated 41 years of marriage with their three children and five grandchildren.
Over 11 years ago, Donna became a living organ donor, donating a kidney to one of her young students. She is a supporter of Donate Life, which encourages others to register as an organ donor, usually on their driver’s license. Her recipient, Kiley, is now 17 years old and thriving. Every year in March, they get together and celebrate their “kidney-versary.”
Both Donna and John were raised Catholic and sent their three children to Catholic school. “That’s really when we started volunteering,” said Donna. Today, they are parishioners of St. Denis Church in Manasquan and are involved in several parish ministries, including religious education, the baptism team, children’s liturgy, and the men’s and women’s faith groups. They organized a Lenten almsgiving drive at St. Denis for several Catholic Charities programs: Linkages, Providence House Domestic Violence Services, Rapid Re-Housing, and For My Baby and Me. “Supporting Catholic Charities is pretty simple,” said John. “We like to support ministries that provide physical and emotional health of individuals and families in need.”

When the Kuchinskis organized a drive for supplies for the programs of Catholic Charities, the parishioners of the Church of St. Denis in Manasquan heeded the call. They collected clothing, diapers, winter coats, gift cards and cleaning supplies for families and immigrants in need.
Upon learning that they were going to be honored with this award, both Donna and John were deeply humbled. “After the hardships of this past year, Catholic Charities has remained consistent with serving the community.” They were so impressed with how the staff put their clients first; they have decided to dedicate their award to the Catholic Charities staff, who they believe are the true Humanitarians. “Despite the challenges of the pandemic, the employees were on the front-line every day to help any individual and family,” said Donna and John. Adding, “They are so passionate about their mission and are models of servant hood.”
Two years ago, John heard Tony Bennett, basketball coach at the University of Virginia, paraphrasing Luke 12:48: “To whom much is given, much will be required.” That struck a chord with John, so he looked it up. John emphasized, “As good stewards, we need to do our best – whether it’s talent, treasure or time. We have to use what has been entrusted to us in the right way and Catholic Charities is one of the best investments we can make.”
Donna and John wish that more people knew about all the services provided by Catholic Charities. “If we can shine a light, a little light on Catholic Charities, so more people know about their life-changing work – then we’ve had a good day.”
Celebrate with us!
Donna and John Kuchinski will be honored at Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton’s Guardian Angel Benefit of Hope on Thursday, September 9th. It’s free to tune in! Register today here.
For more information about or to support the Guardian Angel Benefit of Hope, contact Jennifer Leip at [email protected].