Housing Assistance Gave Rose the Chance to Create a Home
Rose was a young mother without housing for herself and her daughter. When Rapid Re-Housing Case Manager Elizabeth Tomaszewski called with news about an apartment, she said it felt like a sign from God.
When Rose talks about the telephone call she received a year and a half ago from Rapid Re-Housing Case Manager Elizabeth Tomaszewski, her eyes well with tears. “She was my angel. She saved me.”
Seeing her mother about to cry, Rose’s five-year-old daughter Sparkle runs into their bedroom and returns with a pink stuffed bear to comfort her. Dabbing at her eyes, Rose smiles and reassures her child, “These are happy tears, baby. I’m okay.”
Elizabeth was new to her position when she made that call. “I was reviewing intake screenings and saw Rose’s file. She seemed like someone who would qualify for the program, so I checked with my supervisor and followed up.”
Rose said her call came at a time when she was desperately in need of help. She was homeless, moving from one friend’s house to another with her toddler in tow. “I felt like I was sinking — but my arms were raised high, and I was reaching…” she said. “When Elizabeth called, she caught my hand and saved me. She is an angel. When that call came, I thought, ‘God, is that you?’”
The Rapid Re-Housing program lifts families out of homelessness by eliminating some of the barriers they face acquiring permanent housing – like coming up with the first and last month’s rent or a security deposit. The program also includes rental assistance for up to a year. Additionally, it provides help finding housing, wraparound services like food and clothing, and referrals to other supportive services.
Residential Program Director Mosudi Idowu helped Rose secure an apartment right around the corner from Sparkle’s school and a five-minute drive from her job. “When I saw this place, I knew it was for me,” said Rose. “The walls were pink, my favorite color, so that was a sign this is our home.” It has a cozy vibe, and the living room is large enough for Sparkle to practice gymnastics. Rose said she feels blessed to be living this life. “I am grateful for the help I received from Catholic Charities,” said Rose. “Today, I can live my own life and pay my bills. I am thankful for the help I received.”
Rose works at the Child Care Connection, a nonprofit organization delivering programs to improve the quality of child care and early educational services in Mercer County. She enjoys her role in the accounts payable department and says she can relate to the families they serve as a single mom. Rose also supplements her income by working part-time jobs to make ends meet. She said she mostly does hotel housekeeping on weekends but hates that it takes her away from spending time with Sparkle.
“I am so impressed by Rose’s success,” said Elizabeth. “This was the perfect program for her. She works so hard and is such a good mom.” Even though Rose is no longer in the Rapid Re-Housing program, Elizabeth frequently checks in on her, calling to let her know things that may be helpful to her.
Rose put her name on Catholic Charities’ holiday gift list this past year to ensure her daughter would have a happy Christmas morning. “They provided presents for Sparkle, and there was even a gift for me. I don’t know when I last had a present at Christmas…” Rose said she speaks for all the families who received holiday gifts from Catholic Charities. “We are crying for help, and you hear us. Thank you. We appreciate your donations.”
“I check in on Elizabeth too sometimes,” said Rose. “She saved me. I love her, and maybe she might need my help one day.” Rapid Re-Housing uses a combination of federal and county funds to help homeless individuals and families locate affordable permanent housing.
For more information about this program in Mercer County, call (609) 394–8847; in Ocean County call (732) 363–5322.
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