Governor Christie Holds Press Conference at Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton Governor Christie Holds Press Conference at Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton

Governor Christie Holds Press Conference at Catholic Charities


Governor Christie Holds Press Conference at Catholic Charities

Governor Chris Christie announced the formation of a new task force to carry out addiction prevention and treatment initiatives at a press conference held at Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton on October 9.

He made the announcement and introduced the Task Force members after spending nearly an hour talking with staff and consumers at Catholic Charities’ Project FREE program. “Tonight when you go home, you tell your kids that they should be proud of you, your recovery is an inspiration to me and will be to so many others looking to change their lives,” Gov. Christie said to three women who credit their recovery to Project FREE.

Catholic Charities was featured along with several of our consumers in a report on WPVI Channel 6 news on October 9. (See video footage below)

The press conference at the Clinton Street campus was covered by more than 40 news agencies.

An article about the Governor appeared on the cover of The Times on October 10.

The Star-Ledger also ran an article on page 17 of their October 10 issue, and The Monitor will feature an article and photos in its upcoming issue as well.

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