HUNGER DOESN’T GO ON VACATION - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton HUNGER DOESN’T GO ON VACATION - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton


Summer’s here, and school is out! If you listen closely, you might hear the heartbeats of thousands of children excited for all the adventures this season may hold for them.

But you also might hear the rumble of hungry bellies. Many families who experience hunger and food insecurity rely on schools to provide their children fresh, nutritious breakfasts and lunches. When classes end for summer break, so does this lifeline. Without school-subsidized meals, countless children spend the long summer months hungry.

We must be ready. During summer vacation, we will experience an increase in food pantry requests for kid-friendly foods – low-sugar cereal, peanut butter and jelly, boxed juices, frozen chicken nuggets. We’re counting on your financial support of this powerful ministry!


Please respond now to our 2019 Hunger Doesn’t Go On Vacation campaign.

School-age children who experience severe hunger are at risk of developing chronic health conditions, behavioral problems, and low self-esteem. The ache of hunger in their eyes will bring concerned parents to our food pantry all summer long. We can’t let them down!

Your gift will fill our shelves with food. And tomorrow, the next day, all summer, when the bellies of hungry girls and boys begin rumbling, we’ll respond by supporting them with food and hope for better days ahead.

Since we were founded in 1913, we have worked hard to reduce hunger and its root causes, namely poverty. Below you will learn about the innovative ways we are working to better serve those who come to our food pantries and other programs for help. Your generosity has helped make this progress possible. We are counting on your continued support to empower us to continue reducing poverty and hunger in Central Jersey!

In Mercer County, our Community Services food pantry partnered with the Mount Carmel Guild, a pairing that will reduce operational costs for both agencies. The joint pantry offers wraparound services to better meet clients’ needs.
In Burlington County, our Community Services expanded into a larger facility, a cost-saving move that will ensure more money hits the bottom line via innovations like an eBay venture. The expanded space allows the food pantry to adopt a “shopping” model, in which clients pick for themselves what they need (instead of being handed pre-packed bags).
In Ocean County, Community Services staff now offers human trafficking services statewide. Staff is scouting new sites and potential partners, with an eye on expanding the food pantry. And in Monmouth County, children account for three quarters of the people who escape homelessness through our Linkages emergency transitional housing program.

Thank you for sending your gift today.