Christmas Season 2023 - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton Christmas Season 2023 - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

Anne Frank

At Catholic Charities, every day of the year, we serve the most vulnerable among us. When someone comes to us hungry, needing help feeding their family, we provide food. When they come to us looking for a safe place to stay, we provide shelter. These basic necessities are given with grace, and our neighbors leave with their dignity intact.

When someone comes to us seeking help managing their mental health or handling a substance use disorder, we provide counseling, treatment, medical care and transportation. All of these services are delivered without an ounce of judgement, because we treat everyone with respect.

When a mother fleeing abuse comes to us in the middle of the night with her children in tow, we are here. We offer a safe haven, specialized counseling, legal advocacy, food and clothing. On a family’s darkest day, we can light the way with hope.

Dignity, respect and hope – these are priceless gifts we can bestow on our neighbors because of the generosity of friends like you. A donation today will ensure our life-saving services continue. Thank you for your support.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas,

Marlene Laó-Collins
Executive Director

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