COVID-19 Community Outreach - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton COVID-19 Community Outreach - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton


Catholic Charities is working to provide critically needed COVID-19 health education, testing, contact tracing, and vaccine support to underserved groups in Central Jersey, including Latino and Black communities and documented and undocumented immigrants. We will:

  • Serve as a COVID-19 vaccine administration and testing site.
  • Remove barriers and increase access for marginalized groups. We will offer vaccine pre-registration, appointment scheduling, technology assistance, and resource referrals for those who need transportation or childcare vouchers.
  • Educate the community by creating wellness groups, working directly with vulnerable and hard-to-reach individuals through in-home engagement and multiple languages, and providing safe spaces for immigrants to ask questions and receive information.
  • Help build a statewide, bilingual, multicultural “COVID Community Corps” health worker workforce – and then put them to work.

Read more about the initiative on our blog:
For more information contact Lauren B. DeVries, Community Health Nurse Educator, (609) 819-6690, [email protected].

This work is possible through the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases (ELC) project, a statewide initiative providing resources to enhance detection, response, contact tracing and prevention efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. The project is administered by the New Jersey Department of Health Division of Family Health Services and the Maternal Child Health Consortia, through a partnership with the Central Jersey Family Health Consortium as a regional grantee. CJFHC grants support community-based organizations serving vulnerable populations.
ELC supports expanded access to COVID-19 testing and vaccines, and training for community health workers to connect at-risk persons with needed services and reliable COVID-19 information. ELC funding was made available through the New Jersey Department of Health Division of Family Health Services to enhance detection, response, contact tracing and prevention efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Caridades Católicas está trabajando para brindar servicios necesarios para la lucha contra el COVID-19 como: educación de salud, pruebas de detección, seguimiento de contactos y apoyo para la vacunación, especialmente en apoyo para las comunidades necesitadas del centro de Nueva Jersey.
Lo haremos de la siguiente manera:

  • Sirviendo como lugar de prueba de detección y administración de la vacuna COVID-19.
  • Eliminar barreras y aumentar el acceso a servicios para toda la comunidad. Ofreceremos preinscripción para vacunación, programación de citas, asistencia tecnológica, e información de recursos para aquellos que necesitan transporte o vales para el cuidado de niños.
  • Educar a la comunidad creando grupos de bienestar, trabajando directamente con personas vulnerables y con barreras de accesibilidad, visitándoles en el hogar y en varios idiomas, y proporcionando espacios seguros donde los inmigrantes hagan preguntas y reciban información.
  • Ayudar a construir una fuerza laboral de salud a nivel estatal, que se sea bilingüe y multicultural “Cuerpo Comunitario COVID” que trabaje con la comunidad.

Lea más sobre la iniciativa en nuestro blog:

Este trabajo es posible a través del Programa de Epidemiología y Capacidades de Laboratorio para la Prevención y Control de Infecciones Emergentes (ELC), una iniciativa estatal que brinda recursos para mejorar los esfuerzos de detección, respuesta, seguimiento de contactos y prevención para detener la propagación de COVID-19. El proyecto es administrado por la División de Servicios de Salud Familiar del Departamento de Salud de Nueva Jersey y el Consorcio de Salud Materno-Infantil, a través de una asociación con el Consorcio de Salud Familiar Central de Nueva Jersey como concesionario regional. Las subvenciones de CJFHC apoyan a las organizaciones comunitarias que atienden a poblaciones vulnerables.

Saving Lives w/ the COVID-19 Vaccine in NJ Black & Caribbean Communities (Dept. of Health Town Hall)

Salvando Vidas en Las Comunidades Latinas de NJ con la Vacuna Contra COVID-19 ( Reuniones Públicas)

Dr Jubril Oyeyemi – A Doctor Answers Your Questions About the COVID-19 Vaccine

Dr. Farah Roomi – Why you should get vaccinated even if you’ve had COVID-19 vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine Healthcare Provider Frequently Asked Questions

COVID-19 Vaccines: Know the Facts

Vacunas contra la COVID-19: conozca los hechos

How mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Work

Read more about the initiative on our blog:

This work is possible through the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases (ELC) project, a statewide initiative providing resources to enhance detection, response, contact tracing and prevention efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. The project is administered by the New Jersey Department of Health Division of Family Health Services and the Maternal Child Health Consortia, through a partnership with the Central Jersey Family Health Consortium as a regional grantee. CJFHC grants support community-based organizations serving vulnerable populations.
ELC supports expanded access to COVID-19 testing and vaccines, and training for community health workers to connect at-risk persons with needed services and reliable COVID-19 information. ELC funding was made available through the New Jersey Department of Health Division of Family Health Services to enhance detection, response, contact tracing and prevention efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19.

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