2020 Census - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton 2020 Census - Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton


The 2020 Census is happening NOW!

The U.S. Constitution mandates this population count every 10 years. The U.S. Census Bureau sent out mailers, starting March 12th, with information on how to respond to the 10 easy questions about things like age, gender, education, and marital status on the 2020 Census.

Responding to the 2020 Census is social distance-friendly! This year, for the first year ever, people are able to complete the census online. (You can still participate by phone or mail. If you didn’t receive a mailer or misplaced it, that’s not a problem! You can still respond simply by providing your address.) The Census Bureau hopes everyone will complete the census by late August; this summer, census staff will head into communities to knock on the doors of non-responders and collect their answers.

Historically, there are many groups who have been under-counted for various reasons – people experiencing homelessness and poverty, immigrants who might distrust authorities, babies and young children, people who don’t speak English, people in the LGBTQ community, and those with mental or physical disabilities.

When people aren’t counted, that can hurt communities for a whole decade! After all, a lot of things depend on accurate census data – funding for food pantries, school-lunch programs, hospitals, and Medicare; planning for new schools and roads; representation in Congress; and so much more.

We all have a duty to be counted and help shape our community for the future.

Completing the census is easy, safe, and important!
Make sure YOU get counted in the 2020 Census!



Don’t have a computer or WiFi access?
Or simply want help completing the census?

Trust us to help you fill out the 2020 Census! Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton has three sites open for the public for census reporting:

El Centro:

327 S. Broad St., Trenton

Mondays to Fridays, 9 a.m. to noon.


Community Services of Burlington County:

450-460 Veterans Drive, Burlington

Mondays to Fridays, 9 a.m. to noon.


Community Services of Ocean County:

200 Monmouth Ave., Lakewood

Mondays to Fridays, 9 a.m. to noon.


Respond now!!!

  • To respond by phone, call 1-844-330-2020.
  • To respond online, go to https://my2020census.gov/.
  • To respond by mail, paper forms arrived in March, with reminder mailers sent subsequently to non-responders.
    Here’s an example of what the paper form looks like: Click here to view sample.

Need MORE information about the 2020 Census? Check out the U.S. Census Bureau’s site at https://2020census.gov/

El Censo 2020 está ocurriendo Ahora!

La Constitución de los Estados Unidos ordena el conteo de la populación cada diez años. La agencia de el Censo ha enviado cartas comenzando el 12 de Marzo con información de cómo responder a las 10 sencillas preguntas tal como edad, genero, educación y estatus marital en el censo 2020.

Este ano por primera vez, podrán completar el censo por internet. (Igual se puede participar por teléfono o correo. Si usted no ha recibido su carta o la perdió, no es problema, todavía puede participar simplemente con su dirección.) Es la esperanza de la agencia del Censo que todo el mundo responda antes del final de Abril. Después de esta fecha, los trabajadores del Censo entraran a las comunidades a tocar puertas para recibir contestas para sus preguntas.

Históricamente, existen varios grupos que no han sido contados por completo por varias razones, personas desamparadas o que sufren pobreza, inmigrantes que tienen miedo al gobierno, niños y bebes, aquellos que no hablan Inglés, y personas de la comunidad LGBTQ, y grupos de discapacidad mental o física.

Cuando las personas no son contadas, la comunidad puede ser afecta por una década! Sobre todo, muchas cosas dependen de un conteo completo-para obtener fondos a las dispensas de comida, los almuerzos de escuelas, hospitales, y Medicare; igual que planificando escuelas y carreteras; Ademas, representación en el Congreso y muchas cosas más. Todos tenemos el deber de ser contado para ayudar a moldar nuestra comunidad para el futuro.

Completando el Censo es fácil, seguro, e importante!
Asegúrese de que USTED sea contado en el Censo 2020!



Don’t have a computer or WiFi access?
Or simply want help completing the census?

Trust us to help you fill out the 2020 Census! Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton has three sites open for the public for census reporting:

El Centro:

327 S. Broad St., Trenton

Mondays to Fridays, 9 a.m. to noon.


Community Services of Burlington County:

450-460 Veterans Drive, Burlington

Mondays to Fridays, 9 a.m. to noon.


Community Services of Ocean County:

200 Monmouth Ave., Lakewood

Mondays to Fridays, 9 a.m. to noon.


Respond now!!!

  • To respond by phone, call 1-844-330-2020.
  • To respond online, go to https://my2020census.gov/.
  • To respond by mail, paper forms arrived in March, with subsequent reminder mailers sent to non-responders.
    Here’s an example of what the paper form looks like: Click here to view sample.

Need MORE information about the 2020 Census? Check out the U.S. Census Bureau’s site at https://2020census.gov/

Need Help? Call 1-800-360-7711